Are China’s Aircraft Carriers Fueling A New Arms Race

Official publicity shot of China's first aircraft carrier, Liaoning. The 67,500 ton carrier is a modernized Russian design. Although Chinese carriers will continue to draw from this linage, future carriers will be increasingly indigenous. Chinese Military

Forbes: China’s Aircraft Carriers Fueling New Arms Race

Since the Cold War, the U.S. Navy has enjoyed complete dominance in the aircraft carrier arena. Now China is building a fleet of at least four carriers that could rival the U.S. in the Pacific in the coming years. Her second carrier, Shandong, set out on her eighth sea trial yesterday. Other countries are now responding with carrier programs, further eroding the U.S. lead.

China commissioned her first carrier, Liaoning, in 2012. That was 92 years after the first U.S. Navy carrier, USS Langley, but they plan to catch up fast. Liaoning started her life during the Cold War as the second Soviet Navy’s second carrier, Varyag. After the collapse of the Soviet Union she was left unfinished, and later sold to China as a tourist attraction. The Chinese it turned out, had bigger plans for her.

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WNU Editor: It is more than just Chinese aircraft carriers fueling this new arms race.

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