Critical Reaction From Demcrats And The Media To President Trump's Announcement On The Death Of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi

WNU Editor: The Democrat response was predictable, with House Speaker Pelosi being the first to criticize President Trump in her statement on the raid .... Pelosi Statement on Al-Baghdadi Raid (Nancy Pelosi). Other Democrats are upset on not being notified .... House Dems angered that Trump told Russia, Turkey of al-Baghdadi raid, but not Pelosi (FOX News)

The press reaction have followed with their own criticisms .... CNN NatSec Analyst: Trump Went Into ‘Irresponsible’ Level of Detail About al-Baghdadi Raid (Mediate). There are those who want to talk about something else .... CNN cuts away from the press conference. And then there are those who are reluctant to say who al-Baghdadi even is .... Washington Post changes the headline on its Al-Baghdadi obituary from “Islamic State’s terrorist-in-Chief” to “austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State.” And then there is this gem .... MSNBC Host Guesses ISIS's Leader's Killing 'Only Strengthens Followers' Ideology' (News Busters).

Update: They are even criticizing the Situation Room photo .... Obama White House Photographer Suggests Trump Situation Room Photo of Unfolding al-Baghdadi Raid Was Staged (Newsweek).

Update #2: I have mixed feelings on President Trump disclosing some of the details of the raid. I never feel comfortable listening to details on how an operation was conducted because I know the enemy is listening, watching, and learning. But I also know that  in Washington leaks abound, and what President Trump disclosed this morning (using 8 helicopters, etc.) would have been leaked to the press within 24 hours anyway.

Update #3: I forgot to mention how I felt when I learned the news that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  I was elated. Like the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is now some closure for those who lost loved ones because of this fanatic, and for everyone else, a sense of forward progress in our war against radical Islamists.

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