Then he shot out at high speed, losing his helmet that had not been fastened round his chin properly, before landing in a field close to the German border. The plane is marked here 'Avion' in the subsequent incident report
Daily Mail: Pensioner, 64, who was given a surprise flight in a fighter jet as a retirement present was flung out at 2500ft after grabbing the ejector seat handle to 'steady himself'
* He panicked during the flight near Saint-Dizier airforce base in northern France
* The man landed using his parachute and ended up in a field with minor injuries
* The French Airforce and the Defence Ministry are called to review procedures
A pensioner who was given a surprise flight in a £70million fighter jet as a retirement present was flung out at 2500ft after grabbing the ejector seat handle to 'steady himself'.
The astonishing drama is outlined in a newly released report by French aviation investigators who have stern words for their country's Airforce and government throughout.
At times, it reads like a dark comedy film script, as it describes how the unidentified 64-year-old panicked and screamed with fear during his first flight in the Rafale-B which took off from Saint-Dizier airforce base, in north-west France last March.
Then he shot out at high speed, losing his helmet that had not been fastened round his chin properly, before landing in a field close to the German border.
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Update: Pensioner flung from fighter jet at 2,500ft after grabbing ejector seat handle to ‘steady himself’ (The Telegraph)
WNU Editor: Ooopppssss!
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