Another Night Of Riots In Portland

Daily Mail: Federal agents hit Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler with tear gas after crowd of angry protesters threw trash and water bottles at him and demanded he resign following two months of chaos across the city

* Mayor Ted Wheeler was met by angry crowds who chanted 'tear gas Ted' during demonstration Wednesday
* Wheeler told demonstrators that he is 'doing everything in my power' to drive federal agents out of Portland
* While tensions continue in Portland, concerns are mounting that Chicago is headed in the same direction
* Trump escalated federal intervention in cities Wednesday by deploying agents to Chicago and Albuquerque
* According to the president, federal agents were sent to cities to quell what he claims is out of control violence

The mayor of Portland was left struggling to breathe when federal agents hit him with tear gas after a crowd of angry protesters threw shrapnel at his feet as they demanded the city official resign during a Wednesday night demonstration.

Mayor Ted Wheeler scrambled to put goggles on after the noxious gas was used on crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrating against police brutality for the 56th night following the death of George Floyd who took his last breath under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer on May 25.

Wheeler told The New York Times: 'I'm not going to lie — it stings; it's hard to breathe. And I can tell you with 100 per cent honesty, I saw nothing which provoked this response.'

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Update #1: Portland mayor tear-gassed by federal agents, riot declared (FOX News)
Update #2: Portland mayor tear-gassed by federal agents as protests continue (NBC)

WNU Editor: The mayor tried to placate the mob by saying that he was on their side, and they turned on him resulting in another riot. And while the mayor is accusing the federal government for fermenting the unrest, this unrest was happening long before federal agents showed up. Bottom line. You do not need to be a genius to know that the mayor has lost control of the situation.

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