Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 2, 2020

National Interest: Breaking Down the Pentagon's 2020 China Military Power Report: A Quest for PLA Parity?

The report puts key concerns front and center: arguably, China's meteoric military progress in recent years has not simply narrowed the gap in limited niches, but has in fact pursued parity and even selective superiority to the degree that, broadly interpreted, "China is already ahead of the United States in certain areas".

Overall Assessment:

My first impression is that this is the latest and greatest of the Pentagon’s China Military Power reports since their inception two decades ago. At 173 pages, it is quite possibly the longest and most substantive. A high-water mark in public analysis from the Office of the Secretary of Defense to date, it begins with a self-critical stocktaking of previous editions, yielding striking conclusions concerning the rapidity and relative comprehensiveness of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s progress. This wake-up call regarding the current advanced state, and rapid forward advancement, of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) military capabilities, should land loudly on the desk of Members of Congress and all other U.S. foreign policy and defense community stakeholders. Essential reading, indeed!

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 2, 2020

China has the world’s largest Navy and aims to double its number of nuclear warheads, warns the US as Beijing continues its global power grab -- Daily Mail

China Rapidly Increasing Nuclear, Naval, and Next-Gen Tech, Pentagon Warns -- Defense Tech

China Has The World’s Largest Navy. And It’s Getting Better, Pentagon Warns -- Forbes

Pentagon Report: China Now Has World’s Largest Navy as Beijing Expands Military Influence -- USNI News

China Uses Tactics Short of Armed Conflict to Pursue Territorial, Maritime Claims - Pentagon Report -- Sputnik

China’s Shandong aircraft carrier leaves port for latest aerial drill -- SCMP

Beijing rejects U.S. report on Chinese warheads -- Reuters

Beijing pillories Pentagon report on Chinese military ambitions -- AFP

Pentagon Says Tajikistan Among Countries Where Beijing May Seek To Establish Military Bases -- RFE

Playing laser tag: US dominance and Chinese ambition point to new arms race -- SCMP

The Military Imbalance In The Taiwan Strait In 2020 [Infographic] -- Forbes

If the Marines Goes to War in the Pacific, Take a Look at What They’ll Ride into Battle -- National Interest

For engineers, deployments to Pacific islands, Southeast Asia could be in the works --

US Navy’s new amphibious landing craft are coming off the lines -- Defense News

Carrier USS George H.W. Bush leaves drydock after 18 months of upgrades -- UPI

New and old aircraft programs could get axed as top US Air Force general seeks ‘ruthless prioritization’ of capabilities -- Defense News

Boeing delivers first MH-47G Block II Chinook to Special Ops -- UPI

Military Moves Forward with Plan to Make Air Force One Supersonic --

US Special Operations Command gets first brand-new Chinook variant -- Defense News

Two hypersonic weapons complete new developmental milestone -- Defense News

The US military took a big step toward a future space network this week -- Ars Technica

The Next Major Battlefield Threat Facing US Troops May Be Undetectable --

Fort Hood commander loses position following string of deadly incidents -- The Hill

US Magazine Names Russia’s ‘Most Dangerous’ Military Aircraft -- Sputnik

U.S. warns of North Korea missile plans, extends travel ban -- UPI

U.S.-Russia Military Tensions Intensify -- NYT

Russia's military seemingly toeing the line with U.S. after armored vehicle 'deliberately rammed' American troops -- The Week

UK Foreign Minister Rejects London Will Spend Billions on 'AI-Enabled Drones' Over Foreign Aid -- Sputnik

US aiming for NATO-like alliance with India, Australia, Japan to counter China -- Economic Times

Lockheed Martin Software Factory -- Lockheed Martin

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