More Reports That Democrat US Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Will Withdraw From The Debates

Rob Crisell, American Spectator: Why Biden Will Withdraw From the Debates

It’s the only way for Joe’s handlers to save him from himself.

William Shakespeare famously observed that “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

One of these players, Joe Biden, is currently trying out for the biggest role of his life. Unfortunately, he’s in danger of bombing the audition. He’s flubbing lines, breaking character, and occasionally forgetting the plot.

His rambling, often incoherent speech in front of a supportive audience at a church in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on September 3 shows that he’s no longer playing the role of viable presidential candidate. Instead, he’s stumbled into the last scene of Shakespeare’s “strange, eventful history” — “second childishness and mere oblivion.”

At this point, putting Biden on a stage without a script can only hurt his election prospects, and possibly even harm his health.

That’s why I predict his team will soon announce his withdrawal from all three scheduled debates with President Trump.

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WNU Editor: In the beginning I felt that he was going to find an excuse to not participate in this year's Presidential debates. I then shifted when Biden vowed that he was going to participate in the debates. A vow that made sense to me because to not participate would only reinforce the perception that he was not up to the job. But to do three debates .... no. I felt that he was going to do only one debate, show that he is capable to handle people like President Trump, and then bow out from the other two. Now I am not sure. He looked drained after his New York City/Pennsylvania trips yesterday to commemorate 9/11. And now I have learned that he cancelled all engagements today (see below) !?!?!?!

This is not how you run a Presidential campaign. You have to convince the American people that you want the job, and you do that by campaigning 24/7. You do not go out of your home once in a while. Stop at a place or two. Read in front of a teleprompter to a small audience. Answer no questions. And then go home. There is definitely something wrong.

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