Coronavirus update:— Reuters (@Reuters) September 5, 2020
🇮🇳 India crosses 4 million cases with record surge
🇦🇺 Lockdown protesters defy police as cases in Australia ease
🌎Widespread vaccinations not expected until mid-2021, WHO says
The US war against the coronavirus is imposing the heaviest strain on the Treasury since WW II. Next year, the federal debt is forecast to exceed the size of the entire US economy. Yet most experts consider the money well-spent. @PaulWisemanAP explains:— Fred Monyak (@FredMonyak) September 5, 2020
India and China traded blame for rising tensions over their disputed Himalayan border on Saturday following their highest level meeting since a deadly clash in June— AFP news agency (@AFP) September 5, 2020
Japan braces for powerful Typhoon Haishen, possible record rainfall— Reuters (@Reuters) September 5, 2020
Trump personally told 4 sources of mine that if reelected he will bomb Disneyland. Why? Mickey Mouse was rude to him during a boyhood trip to the Magic Kingdom. I can't name the sources. Trump threatened them: "I'll eat your livers if you talk." They're scared. Trump loves liver.— Fiery but peaceful Mike (@Doranimated) September 4, 2020
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 5, 2020
Why play basketball when you can use Creezy’s Swish Machine to sinkwish a shot around your house in seventy steps? →— YouTube (@YouTube) September 4, 2020
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