New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos"

Zero Hedge: New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos" As 130,000 'Test-Run' Votes Lead To Unprecedented "Discrepancy"  

Update (2220ET): Wtih the New York City Mayoral race "plunged into chaos" (as the NYT puts it), journalist Bob Hardt now reports that the Board of Elections counted 130,000 'test-run' votes, which would account for most of the 'discrepancy' reported earlier. Hardt added that the BoE will now head 'back to the drawing board' to produce corrected ranked-choice numbers tomorrow. Presumably by then the outcome of the election will have been decided and things can go smoother then... 

Hours after the New York City's Board of Elections released an updated ranked voting tally for the Democratic Primary which showed front-runner Eric Adams' lead shrinking considerably, BOE officials acknowledged a 'discrepancy' in the ballot count.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos after Elections Board Pulls Back Results (NYT)  

Update #2: NYC mayoral primary race thrown into chaos as BOE appears to botch vote count (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: I cannot help but smile. The way the New York media is covering this election train wreck is in sharp contrast to how they covered President Trump's protests on how the 2020 Presidential election was run. 

All that I can say is that until the U.S. decides to change how it runs its elections .... or more to the point .... adopt the way elections are run in places like Canada, Europe, Japan, and every other democratic country in the Western world (paper ballots, election observers from all political parties present, voter ID, etc.), the U.S. will forever be in chaos when they have a major election.

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