Quantum Dots Thesis

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, publishes a BSc Thesis "Quantum dots: concept and application for image sensors" by Adri´an Romero Campelo.

"In the first part of this work (Chapter 2), a general outline of what quantum dots are and how they are manufactured (materials, techniques employed) will be provided. Besides, a complete description of the band structure of quantum dots, with an emphasis on their optoelectronic features, will be given too. In the second part of the thesis (Chapter 3), photodetection technologies are covered. After an introduction to the state of art of image sensors, the latest advances in quantum dot photodetection will be presented, considering their figures of merit and possible adaptation to current available production methods."

Another interesting recent thesis is from CEA-Leti and devoted to the modern microlens fabrication techniques, in French: "Étude d’une méthode de microfabrication 3D pour des applications
de microlentilles d’imageurs" by Pierre Chevalier.

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