Are U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's Days At The Pentagon Numbered?

National Review: No American Military Leader Should Ever Say What Lloyd Austin Said 

There are an estimated 10,000–15,000 Americans in Afghanistan now who need to be evacuated as the Taliban seize control of the country. Anyone left behind could find themselves reliving the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis or the hostage crisis in Lebanon shortly thereafter. The Taliban are undoubtedly well aware of the leverage they could obtain by holding Americans hostage. Evacuation is therefore not just a pressing humanitarian matter; it is essential to preventing a bunch of Stone Age barbarians from dictating terms to the United States of America. 

The Biden administration has not exactly exuded confidence in the face of this threat. On Tuesday, the State Department sent a cable to thousands of Americans in the country telling them to make their way to Kabul’s soon-to-be-renamed Hamid Karzai Airport (we already abandoned Bagram Airfield) but warning them, “Please Be Advised That The United States Cannot Guarantee Your Security As You Make This Trip.” 

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WNU Editor: This has probably been one of the worst weeks for the U.S. military in a long time. Losing the Afghan war and the consequences from it is going to stain for all time every U.S. political and military leader who had a major role in that conflic, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin included.

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