Afghans wait to board a US military evacuation flight.
WNU Editor: No one is talking about it, but with the U.S. Treasury Department freezing all Afghan government and financial assets coupled with stopping IMF payments to the Afghan government, the Taliban have just lost their major source of funds to run their Islamic emirate.
The G7 and other countries are also now talking about comprehensive sanctions, which I predict will be imposed after U.S. forces leave Kabul. These measures will effectively cripple the Afghan economy .... or what's left of it.
My prediction.
The Taliban will need money to pay their soldiers and to provide the necessary services to run their government. And they will need this money now!
I will not be surprised if in the coming days the Taliban will be stopping almost everyone from getting to the airport, and they will use the leverage of tens of thousands of foreigners imprisoned in their homes to demand "aid and compensation".
How much are thousands of Americans worth?
How much will the Biden administration be forced to pay?
You tell me.
My guess is that they will want all funds unfrozen (about $10 billion which is mostly U.S. assistance funds), and $10 to $20 billion for extra assistance.
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