A Restricted Data stamp from a document from the 1940s. If you don’t have a Q Clearance, you’re not supposed to see things like this. Don’t worry, this one was declassified. Strictly speaking, they are supposed to cross the stamps out once they declassify them. But they didn’t always do that consistently. I photographed this one at the NARA Archives II facility. You can see more photos I’ve taken of secrecy stamps, if that sort of thing piques your interest.
Restricted Data: How many people have Q Clearance?
The Q Clearance is the enigmatically-named security clearance created to allow access Restricted Data, the legal category for nuclear secrets in the United States (after which my book is named). It is issued by the the US Department of Energy, and requires a single-scope background investigation (originally by the FBI), with the same requirements as a Top Secret clearance, and keeping it requires being re-investigated every 5 years.
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WNU Editor: Here is the list of security clearances used in the US .... List of U.S. security clearance terms (Wikipedia).
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