A wargame at the US Naval Postgraduate School (June 2018). Wikipedia
Defense One: Are Naval Forces on the Right Path? Leaders Run Wargame to Check
Analysis of the classified, Pacific-focused “Global 14” will continue for weeks or months, a Navy official said.
Top naval leaders attended a tabletop wargame Wednesday whose Pacific-conflict scenario was meant to help determine whether their decisions about capabilities and platforms have the Navy on the right path.
“This is a gut check, really, I think, for senior leaders on: Are we going in the right direction, not only in terms of how we're going to fight but, as I said earlier, what we're going to fight with,” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday said to reporters after the wargame concluded.
The classified “Global 14” wargame was held this week at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and hosted by the Navy’s U.S. Pacific Fleet. More than 475 people were involved from the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, including senior leaders Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, Marine Commandant Gen. David Berger, and Adm. John Aquilino, the commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.
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WNU Editor: Outside observers say no (see below):
Can the US Navy fight and win a war? (Harlan Ullman, Heritage Foundation)
The Navy's funding levels are too low for confronting China -- Dov S. Zakheim, The Hill
Growing Naval Imbalance Between Expanding Chinese and Aging US Fleets -- The Diplomat
Can the US Navy fight and win a war? -- Harlan Ullman, The Hill
Leaders will give the Navy anything but more ships -- Washiongton Examiner
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