Dipomacy To End The Russia- Ukraine War Is Finished

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov  

Washington Post: Amid talk of World War III, diplomacy is losing steam 

The specter of nuclear catastrophe hangs over the Russian war in Ukraine, according to Russia’s own top diplomat. Speaking on state television earlier this week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned NATO countries against sending armaments to Ukraine, suggesting that such support was “pouring oil on the fire” and increasing the risk of confrontation between nuclear powers. 

“Everyone is reciting incantations that in no case can we allow World War III,” Lavrov said, insisting that Russia in no way wanted to drift down the path of nuclear strife with what he dubbed the Western “proxy” forces battling Russian troops in Ukraine. But he added that the risk was “serious, it is real.”  

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WNU Editor: Diplomacy to end the Russia - Ukraine war is finished. With calls from both President Biden and US Secretary of State Blinken for regime change in Moscow, coupled with remarks yesterday by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that Russia must be completely defeated .... Thanks, Lloyd Austin, for finally saying the US wants Putin completely defeated (NYPost), there is no road-map to de-escalate the conflict and search for a diplomatic solution. 

Bottom line. 

This conflict is going to be settled on the battlefield.

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