NIT SWIR Portfolio

Press release from NIT (New Imaging Technologies) about their wide range of SWIR offerings:

NIT is widely known for its large range of SWIR cameras designed for industrial, defense, and medical markets. Less known is that NIT designs and manufactures in-house all the InGaAs sensors embedded into our cameras. We master the design of silicon read-out circuits, InGaAs photodiode arrays, and assembly technologies such as 3D stacking.

Our recent investment into a new clean room facility and back-end process machines will bring our production capacity to several ten thousand sensors per year with the highest quality. ​

Such vertical integration allows us to offer a line of cameras with specific features, all adapted to our customer markets and applications. Our cameras and their performances are unique as they don’t use third-party sensors. The sensitivity, noise level, frame rate, pitches, dynamic range, and pixel numbers of our InGaAs sensors make our cameras the best in their class.​


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