The IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) program is now available online:
ICCP is an in-person conference to be held at the Monona Terrace Conventional Center in Madison, WI (USA) from July 28-30, 2023.
Early registration ends June 22:
Friday, July 28th
09:00 Opening Remarks
09:30 Session 1: Polarization and HDR Imaging
1) Learnable Polarization-multiplexed Modulation Imager for Depth from Defocus
2) Polarization Multi-Image Synthesis with Birefringent Metasurfaces
3) Glare Removal for Astronomical Images with High Local Dynamic Range
4) Polarimetric Imaging Spaceborne Calibration Using Zodiacal Light
10:30 Invited Talk: Melissa Skala (UW-Madison)
Unraveling Immune Cell Metabolism and Function at Single-cell Resolution
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Keynote: Aki Roberge (NASA)
Towards Earth 2.0: Exoplanets and Future Space Telescopes
12:30 Lunch; Industry Consortium Mentorship Event
14:00 Invited Talk: Lei Li (Rice)
New Generation Photoacoustic Imaging: From Benchtop Wholebody Imagers to Wearable Sensors
14:30 Session 2: Emerging and Unconventional Computational Sensing
1) CoIR: Compressive Implicit Radar
2) Parallax-Driven Denoising of Passively-Scattered Thermal Imagery
3) Moiré vision: A signal processing technology beyond pixels using the Moiré coordinate
15:15 Poster and demo Spotlights
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Poster and demo Session 1
17:30 Community Poster and Demo Session
Saturday, July 29th
09:00 Invited Talk: Ellen Zhong (Princeton)
Machine Learning for Determining Protein Structure and Dynamics from Cryo-EM Images
09:30 Session 3: Neural and Generative Methods in Imaging
1) Learn to Synthesize Photorealistic Dual-pixel Images from RGBD frames
2) Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Retinal Image Generation and Segmentation
3) NeReF: Neural Refractive Field for Fluid Surface Reconstruction and Rendering
4) Supervision by Denoising
10:30 Invited Talk: Karen Schloss (UW-Madison)
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Keynote: Aaron Hertzmann (Adobe)
A Perceptual Theory of Perspective
12:30 Lunch; Affinity Group Meetings
14:00 Invited Talk: Na Ji (UC Berkeley)
14:30 Session 4: Measuring Spectrum and Reflectance
1) Spectral Sensitivity Estimation Without a Camera
2) A Compact BRDF Scanner with Multi-conjugate Optics
3) Measured Albedo in the Wild: Filling the Gap in Intrinsics Evaluation
4) Compact Self-adaptive Coding for Spectral Compressive Sensing
15:30 Industry Consortium Talk: Tomoo Mitsunaga (Sony)
Computational Image Sensing at Sony
16:00 Poster and Demo Spotlights
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Poster and Demo Session 2
18:15 Reception
Sunday, July 30th
09:00 Session 5: Depth and 3D Imaging
1) Near-light Photometric Stereo with Symmetric Lights
2) Aberration-Aware Depth-from-Focus
3) Count-Free Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Race Logic
09:45 Invited Talk: Jules Jaffe (Scripps & UCSD)
Welcome to the Underwater Micro World: The Art and Science of Underwater Microscopy
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Invited Talk: Hooman Mohseini (Northwestern University)
New Material and Devices for Imaging
11:15 Keynote: Eric Fossum (Dartmouth)
Quanta Image Sensors and Remaining Challenges
12:15 Lunch; Industry Consortium Mentorship Event
12:45 Lunch (served)
14:00 Session 6: NLOS Imaging and Imaging Through Scattering Media
1) Isolating Signals in Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging using Spectral Content
2) Fast Non-line-of-sight Imaging with Non-planar Relay Surfaces
3) Neural Reconstruction through Scattering Media with Forward and Backward Losses
14:45 Invited Talk: Jasper Tan (Glass Imaging)
Towards the Next Generation of Smartphone Cameras
15:15 Session 7: Holography and Phase-based Imaging
1) Programmable Spectral Filter Arrays using Phase Spatial Light Modulators
2) Scattering-aware Holographic PIV with Physics-based Motion Priors
3) Stochastic Light Field Holography
16:00 Closing Remarks
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