Makeshift: Free Syrian Army fighters prepare to fire an improvised rocket launcher against government troops from a position in Old Aleppo
The Economist: Improvised weapons: Hell’s kitchens
Makeshift weapons are becoming more dangerous with highly sophisticated, commercially available kit.
THE “hell cannons” of Aleppo pack a deadly punch. Cobbled together in Syria by militant groups fighting to overthrow the autocratic regime of Bashar al-Assad, they use an explosive charge at the bottom of a pipe to hurl a propane cylinder crammed with 40kg or more of explosives and shrapnel. A finned tail welded to the cylinder shields it from the launch blast and provides stability in flight. The Ahrar al-Sham brigade reckon the cannons can hit targets 1.5km away. Fuses detonate the cylinder upon impact or, using a timer, after it punches into a building. This is all the better to demolish several floors with a single strike.
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WNU Editor: For a photo gallery of some of these weapons go here .... Syrian Rebels Go To War With The Weapons That They Have (Photo Gallery) (January 2, 2014).
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