Is U.S. Intelligence Up For Sale?

ABC News: How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department’s professional staff.

The emails further reveal how, after inquiries from ABC News, the Clinton staff sought to “protect the name” of the Secretary, “stall” the ABC News reporter and ultimately accept the resignation of the donor just two days later.

Copies of dozens of internal emails were provided to ABC News by the conservative political group Citizens United, which obtained them under the Freedom of Information Act after more the two years of litigation with the government.

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WNU Editor: This is a classic "pay to play" story .... forget about her email server .... this is what political cronyism and criminal corruption looks like, and it gives us a heads-up on what would be the biggest threat from a Hillary Clinton Presidency. But what is also surprising about this report is that it is from ABC News .... a network that is not known to post stories that are critical of Hillary Clinton. Will ABC News and other networks follow up on this story and the other links that have been revealed in her emails .... we shall see.

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