Mackenzie Knowles-Coursin, Washington Post: Uprooted by conflict in Ukraine, one middle-class family’s isolating struggle
“Everything we have done, we have done for our children,” said Sasha Dobyri, sitting with his wife Marina at their cramped kitchen table. “They are the most important thing we have.”
“It’s been more than two years since Sasha, 41 and Marina, 38, gathered their two children, Kostya and Artyom, packed their car with the TV and some clothes and left home, joining the estimated 1.4 million people who have been displaced by Ukraine’s ongoing war in the east.
“We never guessed we would be where we are now,” said Sasha. “Two years ago I could not have predicted our community would fall apart.”
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WNU Editor: I cannot even begin to tell you how angry and bitter many Ukrainians are .... and while both sides blame the major powers .... Russia on one side, the U.S. and the West on the other .... the main reason why this conflict continues to fester and boil is the conflict between Ukrainians and Ukrainian-Russians. For there to be peace there has to be an accommodation by both sides .... Kiev must give the eastern part of the country autonomy over language and cultural affairs as well as a say on how they manage their economy/finances .... the rebels in the East must recognise the central authority of Kiev, and the fact that they are Ukrainian citizens. Unfortunately .... I do not see both sides bending, and with no talks in the future I am now predicting that this war is only going to fester with hit and run attacks, IED explosions, artillery exchanges, and sniper fire for the next few years .... and be a continuing sore point in Europe - Russian relations.
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