Many people now have chips implanted in the fleshy part between thumb and index finger. (Amal Graafstra/Dangerous Things)
The SUN: US Navy ‘discussed plans to fit humans with microchips and track their every move’
Officers met with "transhumanist" presidential candidate to talk about controversial surveillance technology.
The US Navy has held meetings to discuss highly controversial technology which could one day allow the government to track the movements of every single citizen in the country, The Sun has learned.
A number of naval officers visited the home of an American presidential candidate and “transhumanist” called Zoltan Istvan, who believes human beings should be fitted with technology to boost their brain power or enhance physical attributes.
Istvan said they discussed the possibility of implanting humans with chips fitted with global positioning (GPS) technology.
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WNU Editor: I have always predicted that with time .... and with technology getting better (and miniaturised) .... it will only be a matter of time before soldiers are implanted with tracking tech chips that can monitor their movements 24/7 .... after-all ... they are already doing it with animals. This would not only be incredible useful in a combat zone (a way to differentiate friend and foe as well as knowing where all of your soldiers are), but also to retrieve soldiers that are lost, know if one is captured, or to retrieve a body. If the above SUN article is accurate .... and mind you it is a tabloid and not a defense/military related publication .... it looks like the US Navy is now seriously looking at this program.
Update: Here is an interesting BBC report on this technology .... Why I want a microchip implant (BBC).
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