The B-52H Stratofortress bomber is part of the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, the Air Force said. KUAM-TV
CNN: Military aircraft accidents costing lives, billions of dollars
Washington (CNN)A rash of recent military crashes has cost the lives of several service members as well as billions of dollars worth of damages. The wave of accidents has raised questions about the training of pilots and the maintenance of aircraft, with top brass pointing to slashed budgets and aging fleets strained by prolonged conflict.
Last week, an MH-60S helicopter crashed in the James River in Virginia during a training mission. Earlier this month, two F-16C fighter jets collided in the skies over Georgia.
In the first incident all of the helicopter crew were rescued and in the second the two South Carolina Air National Guard pilots managed to safely eject. But a few days earlier, a Blue Angels pilot was killed when his jet crashed. An Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration squadron jet crashed the same day, but that pilot managed to successfully eject.
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WNU Editor: There has always been a lot of military aircraft accidents (and general accidents) in the U.S. military. But the impression is that it is now worse. Is this due to ageing aircraft and cutbacks in training .... maybe .... but it is something that should always be addressed and if possible .... corrected even if it costs a lot of money.
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