Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 29, 2016

Osprey military aircraft are seen at the U.S. Futenma airbase in Ginowan, on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, July 26, 2013. REUTERS/NATHAN LAYNE/FILE PHOTO

Reuters: U.S. military prepares for biggest Okinawa land return since 1972

The United States military said on Friday it was preparing for the biggest land return in Okinawa since 1972, as it faces a surge in opposition to its presence following the arrest of one its civilian contractors for the murder of a local woman.

Okinawa is the U.S. military's key base in Asia where it faces an increasingly assertive China. It hosts 30,000 military personnel on bases that cover a fifth of the island.

"We are respectful of the feelings of Okinawans that our footprint must be reduced,” Lieutenant General Lawrence D. Nicholson, the U.S. commander on the island, said in a press release.

Once new helipads are completed, the U.S. military will hand back 4,000 hectares (40 square kilometers) of land to the Japanese government, which is 17 percent of the area it controls.

The tract is part of the U.S. Marine Corp jungle training camp known as Camp Gonsalves in Northern Okinawa.

Okinawa was under U.S. occupation until 1972.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 29, 2016

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Iran threatens to close Strait of Hormuz if it faces military action from 'enemies' -- FOX News

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Russia eyes military icebreaker force to protect Arctic borders - report -- RT

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India lifts veil on military as it moves to spend $150 billion -- Bloomberg

France to form National Guard to counter terrorist threat, Hollande says -- France 24

NATO rep among 3 dead in Ukraine rocket facility blast -- RT

Canada Scores High-Powered Advanced Battleships of Foreign Design -- Sputnik

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Analysts Recommend Second US Aircraft Carrier for Far East -- and Stripes

Air Force May Declare F-35 Ready for Initial Operations Next Week -- DoD Buzz

Old Faithful: Air Force Secretary Says No Replacement Proposal for A-10 -- Sputnik

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FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack -- Yahoo News

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Memorial to 1st black Marines dedicated at Camp Lejeune -- AP

Chelsea Manning could face solitary confinement after suicide attempt -- DW

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