The Millennials Are Taking Over The Military

150605-N-AT895-113 GREAT LAKES, Ill. (June 5, 2015) Recruits at Recruit Training Command (RTC) at Naval Station Great Lakes prepare to receive their Navy ball caps after completing Battle Stations, the final exercise before graduation. (Photo: MC3 Nathan Laird/Navy)

Military Times: The millennials have taken over: A primer for the military's generational shift

Are younger service members — so-called ‘millennials,’ born in 1980 or later — soft?

Are they too reliant on technology? Are they buried so deep in social media that face-to-face communication becomes impossible? Are they too busy questioning orders to follow them?

It's not uncommon to hear such complaints from members of the Old Guard, some of whom are quick to stereotype the new breed as too desperate for praise and too ill-disciplined.

Across the services, leaders certainly are scrambling to adapt to the millennial mindset, even as the generation is taking over.

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WNU Editor: Growing up in a culture of high tech, social media, and expectations .... coupled with a dark and gloomy view of the future .... and a work ethic that even I have trouble relating to .... the Army that they are going to shape will (and this is an easy prediction) have no resemblance to the Army that Grandpa likes to talk about.

Update: I should also add that the same cultural changes are happening in the Russian military, and my Chinese friends are also telling me the same.

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