That Vitamin Movie | Full Movie | Nov. 29, 2016


The makers of That Vitamin Movie have managed to bring together for the very first time many of the world’s leading experts on vitamins and supplements.

This documentary shares first hand experiences, research, studyes, information, history and so much more on the use of vitamins for curing health issues like cancer, depression, fibromyalgia and much more. This is an amazing documentary and the first of its kind, it will blow your mind!

If you like the movie please support the people who created this by buying their DVD here:

Some notes from the movie:
12.00 Joe Mercola DO - exposing pharma
14.00 Andrew Saul - pharma influences
24.20 List of vitamin therapists
25.30 Eliminate sugar, grain and flour intake.
33.00 Eric DeSilva - Proboitics, Vitamin D and Omega
38.00 Phillip Day - Daily dosages of vitamin D3 and C, respestively body weight X 40 and age in grams
42.00 List of doctors healing with vitamins
43.30 David Brownstein MD - Iodine deficiency is the main cause of cancer, his book "Natural Therapsit That Do"
45.45 Dementia treatment - B12, Coenzyme Q10, no statin drugs
46.50 James Lunney DC - Bi-polar treatments
48.40 Tom Levy - Root canal and gum disease link to heart attack
52.30 Helen Saul - child doses of vitamin C, pregnancy and womens issues
55.30 Atsuo Yanagisawa MD (Japan) - Treating adverse reactions to vaccinations, treatment of radiation
58.00 Bo Jonsson (Sweden) - Niacin (Vitamin B3) treatment for depression
59.00 Andrew Saul - Daily dosages of vitamins (or at least take one multi per meal every day)
1.03 Cancer - pharma treatment versus vitamins Jorge Mirnada Massari and Michael Gonzalez (Puerto Rico)
1.09 Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Lowers cholesterol
1.12 Niacin cure for alchol related depression
1.13 Jonathan Prousky - mental illness issues pharma versus vitamins
1.17 Andrew Saul - nutrition in correctional facilities
1.19 HIV Positive - vitamins reduce full blown aids to half and deaths by 27 percent
1.21 Ron Hunninghake MD - matching nutrients to gentic needs.

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