The FBI And DHS Report On Russian Hacking Has Been Released

The Hill: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

The report, known as a “Joint Analysis Report” or JAR, refers to the Russian hacking campaign as “Grizzly Steppe.”

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WNU Editor: The 13 page FBI/DHS report is here. After reading it this is my take .... "You got to be kidding me". There is no evidence. No smoking gun. No timeline. Nothing. Just a list of alternate names that Russia's intelligence agencies may use on the internet .... and the coding that they may have used .... and a big maybe at that. As to the rest of the report .... much of it is just a summary on how U.S. organisations can protect their network from intrusions and hacking attempts, or to spot past attempts. To say that I am "underwhelmed" is an understatement. Unfortunately .... it is this flimsy document that is going to be used to justify today's U.S. actions against Russia.

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