A-10s Were Responsible For Half Of All Close Air Support Missions In Afghanistan

An A-10 Warthog fires its 30-millimeter cannon during an exercise in Germany in 2014. U.S. Army photo

Robert Beckhusen, War Is Boring: The Explosive Rise in A-10 Warthog Strikes, Visualized

U.S. troops in Afghanistan came to depend heavily on Hogs.

The A-10 Warthog, a muscular and armored ground attack plane, is an odd vehicle because it was originally designed to attack Soviet tanks in Europe in the event of a third world war.

Thankfully, that conflict never occurred. Instead, the Warthog flew in the Persian Gulf War, the Balkans and has spent years taking on lightly-armed insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq — where it performs excellently at the job.

Particularly in Afghanistan, given the length of the war and the A-10’s predominant role, it might not be a stretch to say the Warthog is bound to it in the way the Il-2 Sturmovik and Ju-87 Stuka were to World War II.

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WNU Editor: The F-35 cannot do what this plane will do. When the A-10 is finally retired .... the Pentagon will need to find an equivalent if it wants to continue conducting CAS military operations like the ones in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

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