Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 8, 2017

Women walk past a graffiti, denouncing strikes by U.S. drones in Yemen, painted on a wall in Sanaa, Yemen on February 6, 2017. Khaled Abdullah / Reuters

Andrwe J. Bacevich, The Atlantic: What Are U.S. Forces Doing in Yemen in the First Place?

Last week’s raid was an embarrassing and costly failure—in the context of a much larger one.

Several days ago, press reports revealed that U.S. special-operations troops had conducted a raid in Yemen. Impoverished, violent, and bitterly divided, Yemen has hitherto had a place on the roster of countries that the United States periodically bombs without being graced with the presence of U.S. forces on the ground. As long as this arrangement persisted, few Americans paid attention to events in this far corner of the “war on terror.” After all: Whoever was killed and maimed by U.S. ordnance falling from the skies, it wasn’t our guys.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 8, 2017

Why Trump’s tough talk on Iran will backfire -- Mohamad Bazzi, Reuters

US Policy on South China Sea Hasn’t Changed -- Jacob L. Shapiro, Geopoltiical Futures

Will Japan Be the U.S.’s New ‘Special Relationship’? -- Kenneth Weinstein & Arthur Herman, NRO

China gets testier as South Korea advances its missile defense plans -- Michael Holtz, CSM

China's Currency Policy Approaches Breaking Point -- Junheng Li, Bloomberg

Pakistan's Tactical Nuclear Weapons: A Great Danger -- Sajid Farid Shapoo, Diplomat

The Problem With Europe Paying Its Defense Bills -- Matthew Fay, Niskanen Center

Why is Greece back in the headlines? -- Andrew Walker, BBC

A Stubborn Putin Foe Refuses to Be Silenced -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

Senators to President Donald Trump: Not So Fast on Russia Sanctions Relief -- Tim Mak, Daily Beast

America Must Stand Tall -- David Petraeus, Politico

Trump and the Twilight of American Primacy -- Michael Clarke, The Strategist

How Economic Populism Works -- Andrés Velasco, Project Syndicate

Setting the Stage For a Brazilian Trump -- Nick Miroff & Marina Lopes, Washington Post

Will This Businessman Be Canada's Trump? -- Kevin Lees, Suffragio

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