Japan could invest in a small arsenal of land-based missiles, each carrying one or more nuclear warheads. The missiles could be stationed in hardened silos, like the American Minuteman III, or on mobile launchers like the Russian RS-24 Yars. A Japanese ICBM would be smaller, not needing the range and fuel to reach North America. The ability to reach all of China, European Russia and the Middle East would be sufficient.
It is perhaps China’s greatest nightmare: a nuclear-armed Japan. Permanently anchored off the Asian mainland, bristling with nuclear weapons, a nuclear Japan would make China’s security situation much more complex than it is now, and force China to revise both its nuclear doctrine and increase its nuclear arsenal.
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WNU Editor: A nuclear armed Japan will not only be China's nightmare .... but also an Asian nightmare. Fortunately .... I do not see Japan becoming a nuclear armed nation in the short, medium, or long term. But if a sequence of events should arise where Japan does make the decision to build nuclear weapons .... they definitely have the know-how, resources, and the nuclear material to build such an arsenal very quickly.
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