Should The U.S. Ignore That Russian Spy Ship Off Its Coast?

NBC: Ignore That Spy Ship Off the Coast. The Russians Aren’t Coming

Russia remains a threatening adversary of the U.S., but the country's recent aggressive military actions aren't signs of an imminent conflict, U.S. officials told NBC News

Traditional media and social media have been atwitter with reports of a Russian spy ship off Connecticut, the "buzzing" of a U.S. ship by Russian fighters and reports of new cruise missile deployments by Russia.

But U.S. military and intelligence officials said concerns about these incidents are, in the words of one, "highly overstated."

"There are many facets to U.S.-Russian relations - and to Russia's aggressive behavior - but on the military front, they are on the defensive almost everywhere," a senior intelligence officer told NBC News. "Putin is indeed a menace to his neighbors, but outside Crimea and Ukraine, Russia is contained and playing catch-up."

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WNU Editor: Russian spy ships have been off the coast for the U.S. forever .... this is nothing new.

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