The Company Behind The Russian Dossier On Trump Does Not Want To Cooperate With Congress

CIRCA: A battle is brewing between the firm behind the salacious Trump dossier and Sen. Grassley

The firm behind the salacious and unsubstantiated Trump dossier is refusing to to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee's request to provide documentation or respond to questions sent from the committee in March about the clients who paid for the dossier that launched the investigation into the administration and its alleged Russian connections.

The Republican Chairman of the committee, Senator Charles Grassley, warned Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled the dossier, in March about its obligation "to provide details on the history of the dossier" including the clients who paid for it.

The committee also wanted information on Christopher Steele, the former British spy who was hired to work on the project and how the FBI came to be involved in the dossier, and if the FBI paid Steele for his work.

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WNU Editor: Even though the ex-British spy who wrote this dossier has now admitted that much of he wrote was never verified .... Ex-British Spy Admits That His 'Dirty' Dossier On Trump Was Not Verified (April 26, 2017) .... this dossier is important because Comey himself has stated in testimony that he premised his investigation on the Trump campaign because of this document .... and it is the main reason on why we have been enduring months of Trump - Russia collusion stories and speculation. Why the firm is resistant on revealing who paid for this investigation and report is telling .... the person(s) responsible do not want to be known, and that tells me it could be someone who ran against Trump for the Republican nomination, or probably the Clinton campaign itself. My money is on someone tied to the Clinton campaign .... and they want to protect that person.

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