U.S. Intelligence Leaks Are Damaging U.S. And Allied Operations

Washington Free Beacon: Anti-Trump Leak Campaign Damaging U.S. and Allied Operations

U.S. official: Leaks of classified info by former Obama officials endanger American security operations.

A new wave of leaks targeting the Trump administration has actively endangered ongoing intelligence and military operations being conducted by the United States and its allies, sparking anger and concern inside and outside the White House, according to multiple conversations with senior U.S. officials intimately familiar with the situation.

The classified leaks, which are being handed to sympathetic journalists by former Obama administration officials who left the government and by holdovers still serving in the Trump administration, have damaged a number of ongoing operations, ranging from American efforts to prevent Russian infiltration of the United States to Israeli efforts against ISIS, sources said.

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WNU Editor: I lost count on just the number of leaks that were posted in last week's Washington Post story that detailed how the Obama administration tried to handle Russian attempts to influence last year's Presidential election .... An Inside Look At How The Obama Administration Handled Attempts By Russia To Influence The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election (June 23, 2017). And while I do understand that White House/administration leaks happen all the time .... national security and intelligence leaks are an entirely different manner. Unfortunately .... what we have been witnessing since the election has been a concerted and persistent campaign by intel officials to pursue a political agenda via through leaks and their media accomplices. And while I do expect that with time these leaks will decrease .... people move on, replacements come in, and the political appointees will vet out those who they do not trust .... the problem is today, and the current perception that the White House is incapable of stopping them.

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