Capital punishment an effective way to combat drug dealers: Indonesia's police chief

National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian
National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian
National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said on Thursday that the example of the Philippines illustrated that capital punishment was an effective way to combat drug dealers.

He said capital punishment delivered a deterrent effect, despite controversies surrounding its implementation.

"From practice in the field, we see that when we shoot at drug dealers they go away," Tito said, referring to the drug war initiated by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

Civil societies that focus on human rights have long lambasted the Indonesian government for persistently implementing the death penalty. 

These groups often highlight the country’s judicial system, which is still marred by rampant corruption.

Tito earlier expressed appreciation for the work of his subordinates who succeeded in foiling a plan by four Taiwanese citizens to smuggle one ton of crystal methamphetamine into Greater Jakarta last week.

Tito said he had told police officers “not to hesitate shooting drug dealers who resist arrest.”

Source: The Jakarta Post, July 21, 2017

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