Malaysia: Bangladeshi human rights activist briefly detained, deported

Adilur Rahman Khan
Adilur Rahman Khan
KUALA LUMPUR: Bangladeshi human rights activist Adilur Rahman Khan was deported on Thursday night.

In a statement, the Immigration Department confirmed that Adilur had been sent back to Bangladesh via flight MH112 at 8.05pm.

Adilur, the secretary of human rights group Odhikar, was detained at about 4am on Thursday upon arriving at the KL International Airport.

The activist’s name was found to be in the “Not To Land” list, the Department said.

“Another check in the MyImms system found that Adilur’s name had to be referred to an enforcement agency.

“The said enforcement agency then recommended his deportation,” it said.

The Department added that Adilur was treated well by authorities and the airline in charge of his flight.

“The said airline was fully responsible for handling his deportation and his welfare,” it said.

Adilur was scheduled to attend the National Conference on the Death Penalty organised by Anti Death Penalty Asia Network (Adpan). 

The conference is being held at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) on Friday and Saturday.

Source: The Star, July 21, 2017

Malaysian authorities detain Adilur Rahman Khan, the Secretary of a leading Bangladeshi human rights organization

The Malaysian authorities at Kuala Lumpur airport detained Adilur Rahman Khan, the Secretary of Odhikar, a leading Bangladeshi human rights organization, this morning as he arrived in the country to speak at a conference on the death penalty.

“There is no justification for detaining him whatsoever. It is an outrage that a human rights activist cannot even travel freely to speak on a key human rights issue,” said James Gomez, Amnesty International’s Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

“We are concerned that this arrest and detention is the latest target in a growing trend to impose travel bans on human rights defenders entering Malaysia.”

Adilur Rahman Khan’s detention is the latest in a series of cases where peaceful activists have been barred from entering the country, including Hong Kong political activist Joshua Wong, Indonesian human rights defender Mugiyanto Sipin and Singaporean political activist Han Hui Hui.

Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network, the organizers of the conference, said that Adilur Rahman Khan was the only foreign participant not allowed into the country. Human rights campaigners from Amnesty International are among those in attendance.

Source: Amnesty International, July 20, 2017

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