UN calls on Gov. McAuliffe to halt William Morva's execution

The United Nations is calling for Gov. Terry McAuliffe to halt the execution of William Morva.

Morva is scheduled to be put to death on July 6.

In a joint statement, UN special rapporteur for arbitrary executions, Agnes Collamard, and special rapporteur for mental health, Dainius Puras, said, “We are deeply concerned about information we have received indicating that Mr. Morva’s original trial did not meet fair trial safeguards."

Collamard and Puras say they are concerned about Morva’s “deteriorating psychosocial condition.” 

They also say jurors were not made aware of the severity of Morva’s mental illness and the part it played in his crimes during his original trial.

Morva’s attorney, Dawn Davidson said, “The UN has added its voice to the more than 34,000 people who have pleaded with Governor McAuliffe to stop this senseless execution. 

William was denied a fair trial because the jurors were not told about his severe psychotic disorder, and that his crimes were a direct product of his delusions. 

Since the trial, William's mental health has continued to deteriorate because prison doctors have refused to treat him. I am hopeful that Governor McAuliffe will listen to these calls and commute William’s death sentence.”

Morva was in jail in 2006 awaiting trial, when he overpowered a deputy sheriff during a trip to the hospital. 

Authorities say he used the deputy's pistol to fatally shoot an unarmed security guard and killed another deputy during a manhunt the next day.

Source: WDBJ7.com, July 5, 2017

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