Are Generals, The New Yorkers And Republican Congressional Leaders The Ones Who Are Running the White House?

Axios: The Committee to Save America

Here's one of the most intriguing — and consequential — theories circulating inside the White House:

* The generals, the New Yorkers and Republican congressional leaders see themselves as an unofficial committee to protect Trump and the nation from disaster.
* This loose alliance is informal.
* But as one top official told us: "If you see a guy about to stab someone with a knife, you don't need to huddle to decide to grab the knife."

The theory was described to us in a series of private chats with high-ranking officials:

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WNU Editor: More red meat for those who believe in the Deep State. As to what is my take .... if President Trump wants these people gone, they are gone. The only exception to this rule are Congressional leaders .... they must answer to the voters. But with their approval numbers around 10%, and President Trump'a above 40% .... and Congressional elections only 16 months away .... it is not hard to figure out who really has the weaker hand?

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