Indonesian narcotics agency officers shoot dead Malaysian suspected of drug smuggling

Indonesia's BNN
Amid concerns that Indonesia may start emulating the Philippines’ bloody approach to its own drug war after President Joko Widodo recently ordered the nation’s police to shoot drug traffickers who resist arrest, Indonesia’s National Narcotics Agency (BNN) announced that its officers shot dead two men, including a Malaysian citizen, suspected of smuggling crystal methamphetamines into the country.

BNN representatives said the two men, one of whom was identified by police as Malaysian citizen Cheng Kheng Hoe alias Ahoi, were caught with 17 kilograms of crystal meth in the Ledo region of Bengkayang, West Kalimantan yesterday.

BNN Deputy Inspector General Arman Depari said the case began on the same day when officers from the narcotics agency arrested a man named Ryan, which soon led them to four more suspects including Ahoi and another nicknamed Ape.

According to police, Ape and Ahoi decided to resist when BNN officers came to arrest them and both were shot dead.

“Initially we arrested Ryan and in his car we found evidence of shabu weighing 17 kg. Then, during the investigation, four more were arrested while two were shot dead for resisting,” Arman said in a statement on Monday as quoted by CNN Indonesia.

Arman did not share any more detail regarding the circumstances of the shooting or their investigation but said that they were still looking for more suspects related to the case.

Source: Coconuts Jakarta, August 7, 2017

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