Iran executes 7 young men, including one in public

Public hanging in Farrokhshahr, Iran, on August 6, 2017
Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Shahrekord announced the public execution of a young man on August 6, 2017, according to the state-run IRIB news agency.

The 30-year-old man, convicted of rape had been sentenced to death since 2014. 

Since the case was sensitive, the judiciary process was placed on the agenda and the sentence was carried out in swift nature, Ahmadreza Bahrami said.

The victim identified only by his initials as A.R was publicly hanged in Farrokhshahr, located 10 km from the center of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in central Iran.

Earlier this week another inmate was hanged on August 5, 2017, on drug charges in Parsilon Prison of Khorramabad, capital of Lorestan Province. He was identified as Hamed Ghaedrahmat.

On the same day, another two inmates were hanged on drug related charges in Urmia Central Prison. The victims were identified as 38-year-old Saeid Pourhormoz and Hossein Shahi. Their executions have not been made public by the state media at the time of this report.

In another development, on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, three young men were executed in Adealabad Prison of Shiraz, southern Iran. The three identified as Abolhasan Abrovan, Ata Attarzadeh, Hassan Arefianfar, were under 20 at the time of committing the crime.

Prisoner hanged in public

Iran Human Rights (AUG 8 2017): A prisoner was reportedly hanged in public in front of a crowd of people in Farrokhshahr. 

According to a report by the state-run news agency IRIB, the prisoner, identified as A.R., 30 years of age, was executed on rape charges.

Sources: Iran HRM, August 6, 2017; Iran Human Rights, August 8, 2017

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