This Russian Torpedo Threatens The U.S. Navy

The supercavitating head of the Shkval torpedo. Wikimedia Commons

David Hambling, Scout Warrior/Business Insider: This crazy fast Russian torpedo could spell trouble for US carriers

A new superfast Russian torpedo may tip the scales decisively in underwater warfare.

It is a successor to the 1970’s Shkval (Russian for ‘Squall’), which has an impressive speed of over 200 knots, far faster than any NATO torpedo, making it difficult to stop. However, it has range of less than ten miles compared to more than 30 for the US Mk 48. Shkval is also limited by the fact that it cannot use sonar guidance when travelling at speed. Western analysts have tended to be scathing about the Shkval, calling it a suicide weapon because of its short range. One Russian commentator described it as ‘amusing but useless’.

However, a new Russian torpedo is likely to see the Shkval’s defects remedied. The Khishchnik ("Predator") is a new supercavitating torpedo at an advanced stage of development. Unlike various supposed superweapons which they boast about publicly, the Russians are keeping very quiet about Predator.

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WNU Editor: A lot of speculation on this Russian torpedo. Is it real? I guess we will find out.

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