U.S. Special Forces Have Some Cool Boats Zooming Around The Middle East Right Now

Armed CCAs lead the way during a large scale training event during international exercise Eager Lion in Jordan. DOD

Joseph Trevithick, The Drive: U.S. Navy Stealthy Special Operations Boats Are Zooming Around the Middle East

In an actual conflict, these boats would discreetly surveil coastlines and help SEALs sneak ashore.

As we at The War Zone have noted before, the U.S. Navy’s Special Warfare community has a keen interest in the bleeding edge of what technology has to offer, as do other American special operations forces. Still, the U.S. military can be tight-lipped about many of these systems, often declining to actively publicize their use or even their existence in some cases. So it was interesting to see U.S. Central Command recently highlight the Combatant Craft Assault (CCA), one of Naval Special Warfare Command’s family of specialized stealthy boats, on social media.

On July 27, 2017, CENTCOM posted a picture of one of the craft reportedly sailing off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. U.S. Army General Joseph Votel, who is in charge of the command, which oversees American military activities in the Middle East and Central Asia, had apparently taken a staff ride along with other senior leaders on the boat during a trip to the region.

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WNU Editor: There are some nice boats here.

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