Did Democrats Leave The U.S. Vulnerable To North Korean Missile Threats?

The U.S. Navy successfully tested newly enhanced SM-6 missiles against an intermediate-range ballistic target. (U.S. Navy photo)

Marc Thiessen, Salt Lake Tribune/Washington Post: How Democrats left us vulnerable to North Korea's nukes

Opposition to missile defense has been an article of faith for Democrats since President Ronald Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983.

With last weekend’s surprise nuclear test, North Korea has reached final stage of its crash course to develop thermonuclear weapons that can reach and destroy U.S. cities. So why are we not on a crash course to protect our cities from North Korean nuclear missiles?

Answer: Because for more than three decades, Democrats have done everything in their power to prevent, obstruct or delay the deployment of ballistic missile defense.

Opposition to missile defense has been an article of faith for Democrats since President Ronald Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983. Sen. Edward Kennedy led the early opposition to what Democrats derisively labeled “Star Wars,” denouncing missile defense as a “mirage” and “a certain prescription for an arms race in outer space.” Running against Reagan in 1984, Walter Mondale called it a “dangerously destabilizing” and unworkable “hoax.”

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WNU Editor: I still remember the arguments .... even though they are 30 years old. Missile defense cannot stop a massive attack. Missile defense technology is not proven. Missile defense is very expensive. Missile defense will start an arms race. etc. etc. etc. And .... quite frankly .... they were right at the time. What has happened since then is that certain elements of missile defense have proven themselves .... especially with the steady stream of advancements in technology/computers/software/etc.. Two programs that come to mind are THAAD, and what the Israelis are doing with their Arrow/David Sling/Iron Dome platforms. As to the question .... did Democrat opposition to missile defense in the 1980s set into motion the sequence of events that made the U.S. vulnerable to North Korean attacks today .... the answer is yes but it is an unfair question. In context of the time this Democrat opposition was valid for the simple reason being that the technology was not there, the costs were enormous, and more to the point .... after the fall of the Soviet Union .... the threat that spurred this development was over. Flash forward to today .... yes .... the times have changed .... but so is opposition to missile defense .... an opposition that is not organized or as vocal as it was then. But even with this support we are still realistically far from having an effective missile defense platform against threats from small countries like North Korea ..... even though U.S. military leaders like to say publicly that we are safe .... US Can Block North Korean Missiles — For Now, Leaders Say (Defense Tech).

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