Is Now The Time For Japan To Rewrite Its Constitution To Have A 'Regular Military'?

PACIFIC OCEAN (December 10, 2010) - U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) ships steam in formation as part of a photo exercise on the final day of Keen Sword 2011. The exercise enhances the Japan-U.S. alliance which remains a key strategic relationship in the Northeast Asia Pacific region. Keen Sword caps the 50th anniversary of the Japan-U.S. alliance as an "alliance of equals." (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jacob D. Moore)

Doug Bandow, National Interest: Time to Let Japan Be a Regular Military Power

American officials have forgotten the purpose of alliances: defense, not welfare.

The Japanese people don’t much like Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In fact, a majority of them want someone else as premier. Yet his coalition just retained its two-thirds majority in snap parliamentary elections. He should use his reinforced authority to end his nation’s defense dependence on America.

More than seventy years after World War II, that conflict still burdens Japan, limiting its role in the world. But an increasingly aggressive China and threatening North Korea caused Tokyo to adopt a more active foreign and defense policy. Nevertheless, the U.S.-imposed “peace constitution” still constrains Tokyo. Indeed, by its literal terms Article Nine forbids possession of a military.

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WNU Editor: The author of the above post is wrong in his assertion that the Japanese people do not like Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and that a majority want someone else. If that was the case he would never have won the election that was held just a few weeks ago, and certainly not by the two-thirds of the electorate that his coalition received. The author is however correct that the geopolitics, as well as Japan's ability to defend itself, has changed. What is needed right now in Japan is a debate on what should be their foreign policy and national security priorities, and how would they fund it .... as well as what should be the U.S. role in such an arrangement. This debate should also be done in the U.S. when it comes to the Far East. Unfortunately .... I doubt this is going to happen right now. The Japanese are addicted to the U.S. committing huge resources to the defense of their country, and the U.S. continues to have the mindset that they must play that role of global policeman.AS long as that thinking prevails .... nothing is going to change.

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