Speculation Is Increasing On Who Will Be Arrested In The Russian Probe Investigation

AFP: Speculation rife as first arrest in US Russia probe said near

Official Washington was abuzz this weekend over reports that a grand jury has charged at least one person stemming from the US probe of Russia's attempts to tilt the 2016 presidential elections in Donald Trump's favor.

There was no indication, in reporting by CNN that other media later confirmed, of who might be charged or what crimes might be alleged in the ongoing inquiry led by former FBI chief Robert Mueller.

But Trump, in a rapid burst of tweets Sunday, again denounced the investigation as a "witch hunt" and repeated his denials of any collusion with Russia.

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WNU Editor: It appears that the Mueller Commission is focused on former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort .... These 13 Wire Transfers Are A Focus Of The FBI Probe Into Paul Manafort (Buzz Feed). Some are even speculating that it may involved President Trump .... Robert Mueller Has the Authority to Name Donald Trump an Unindicted Co-Conspirator (Slate). There is also pressure building on the Mueller Commission to investigate the Hillary Clinton campaign  after last week's revelation that the Clinton campaign and the DNC financed former MI-6 officer Christopher Steele's use of Russian sources in producing his now famous "Trump-Russian" collusion dossier .... Frustrated with the Russia investigation, Trump demands Democrats and Hillary Clinton face more scrutiny (Washington Post). This does not even include calls for Robert Mueller to resign because he suppressed the results on an FBI investigation into the Uranium deal .... WSJ editorial board calls for Mueller's resignation and accuses Clinton and DNC of collusion (Business Insider) .... which I am sure that he and his colleagues do not like to be hearing. As to what is my take .... there are many things about the Robert Mueller Special Counsel that I find disturbing. Case in point. No attempt to question Wikileaks founder Jullian Assange from Wikileaks who started this entire scandal in the first place when he published the DNC's emails that revealed how the party colluded to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination. Zero willingness to answer how Robert Mueller's close personal and professional relationship with former FBI Director Comey will not impact his investigation .... especially since former FBI Director Comey is central to this Counsel's collusion mandate. Then there is Uranium One deal and Robert Mueller's role in that investigation. Again .... many questions .... no answers.

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