A Stacked Global-Shutter CMOS Imager with SC-Type Hybrid-GS Pixel and Self-Knee Point Calibration Single-Frame HDR and On-Chip Binarization Algorithm for Smart Vision Applications
C. Xu, Y. Mo, G. Ren, W. Ma, X. Wang, W. Shi, J. Hou, K. Shao, H. Wang, P. Xiao, Z. Shao, X. Xie, X. Wang, C. Yiu
SmartSens Technology
Energy-Efficient Low-Noise CMOS Image Sensor with Capacitor Array-Assisted Charge-Injection SAR ADC for Motion-Triggered Low-Power IoT Applications
K. D. Choo, L. Xu, Y. Kim, J-H. Seol, X. Wu, D. Sylvester, D. Blaauw
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
A Data-Compressive 1.5b/2.75b Log-Gradient QVGA Image Sensor with Multi-Scale Readout for Always-On Object Detection
C. Young, A. Omid-Zohoor, P. Lajevardi, B. Murmann
Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Robert Bosch, Sunnyvale, CA
A 76mW 500fps VGA CMOS Image Sensor with Time-Stretched Single-Slope ADCs Achieving 1.95e- Random Noise
I. Park, C. Park, J. Cheon, Y. Chae,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gyeongbuk, Korea
Dual-Tap Pipelined-Code-Memory Coded-Exposure-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor for Multi-Exposure Single-Frame Computational Imaging
N. Sarhangnejad, N. Katic, Z. Xia, M. Wei, N. Gusev, G. Dutta, R. Gulve, H. Haim, M. Moreno Garcia, D. Stoppa, K. N. Kutulakos, R. Genov
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; Synopsys, Toronto, Canada; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy; ams AG, Ruschlikon, Switzerland
A 400×400-Pixel 6μm-Pitch Vertical Avalanche Photodiodes CMOS Image Sensor Based on 150ps-Fast Capacitive Relaxation Quenching in Geiger Mode for Synthesis of Arbitrary Gain Images
Y. Hirose, S. Koyama, T. Okino, A. Inoue, S. Saito, Y. Nose, M. Ishii, S. Yamahira, S. Kasuga, M. Mori, T. Kabe, K. Nakanishi, M. Usuda, A. Odagawa, T. Tanaka
Panasonic, Nagaokakyo, Japan
A 256×256 40nm/90nm CMOS 3D-Stacked 120dB-Dynamic-Range Reconfigurable Time-Resolved SPAD Imager
R. K. Henderson, N. Johnston, S. W. Hutchings, I. Gyongy, T. Al Abbas, N. Dutton, M. Tyler, S. Chan, J. Leach
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; STMicroelectronics, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
A 32×32-Pixel 0.9THz Imager with Pixel-Parallel 12b VCO-Based ADC in 0.18μm CMOS
S. Yokoyama, M. Ikebe, Y. Kanazawa, T. Ikegami, P. Ambalathankandy, S. Hiramatsu, E. Sano, Y. Takida, H. Minamide
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; RIKEN, Sendai, Japan
A 512-Pixel 3kHz-Frame-Rate Dual-Shank Lensless Filterless Single- Photon-Avalanche-Diode CMOS Neural Imaging Probe
C. Lee, A. J. Taal, J. Choi, K. Kim, K. Tien, L. Moreaux, M. L. Roukes, K. L. Shepard
Columbia University, New York, NY; KIST, Seoul, Korea; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
The Industry Showcase event includes:
- ams AG, Premstätten, Austria, Direct Time-of-Flight Module in CMOS 55nm HV for Mobile Applications
- Ouster, San Francisco, CA, Native camera imaging on LiDAR and deep learning enablement
- Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, Korea, Motion Artifact Free Dynamic Vision Sensor for Machine Vision
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