Flare reduction technology from Edgehog

Eliminating Stray Light Image Artifacts via Invisible Image Sensor Coverglass

High-quality images are critical for machine vision applications like autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, and industrial automation. However, lens flare caused by internal light reflections can significantly degrade image quality. This “ghosting” effect manifests as spots, starbursts, and other artifacts that obscure objects and details.

Traditional anti-reflective coatings help reduce flare by creating destructive interference to cancel out light reflections. But they fall short at wider angles where reflections still occur. Stray light hitting image sensors causes flares. These artifacts interfere with image clarity and create glare, which decreases the signal-to-noise ratio, especially in environments with high dynamic range.

Omnidirectional Anti-Reflection CMOS Coverglass
Edgehog’s Omnidirectional Anti-Reflection (OAR) nanotexturing technology takes a fundamentally different approach to eliminating reflections. Instead of coatings, OAR uses nano-scale surface textures that create a gradual transition in refractive index from air to glass. Edgehog’s texturing allows light to transmit through the surface without internal reflections, regardless of angle.

  • OAR nanotexturing provides exceptional advantages:Omnidirectional performance - Anti-reflection at angles up to 70 degrees
  • Broad spectrum - Works across all wavelengths from UV to IRThermal stability - No risk of delamination like traditional coatings
  • Anti-fogging technology spreads water droplets on the surface, reducing fogging

By treating the image sensor cover glass with OAR nanotexturing, Edgehog enables flare-free imaging under any lighting condition. Edgehog delivers crisper images and videos with enhanced contrast, sharpness, and color accuracy.

Case Study
Edgehog recently showcased the impact of its technology by retrofitting a camera’s stock CMOS cover glass with an OAR-treated replacement. Simulations showed OAR’s superiority in mitigating flare irradiance compared to the original glass. Real-world testing also exhibited significant flare reduction in challenging high-glare environments.  


Images taken from two identical camera models showing a significant reduction in lens flare in
the bottom left of the images. The image on the left (A) is taken using an off-the-shelf FLIR Blackfly
S camera where the sensor coverglass utilizes conventional anti-reflection coatings. The right
image (B) is taken using an identical camera with the sensor coverglass replaced with Edgehog
coverglass, as shown in the schematic above.


Photos were captured simultaneously in an indoor garage. (A) off-the-shelf FLIR Blackfly S
camera and (B) identical camera setup with Edgehog-enhanced sensor coverglass.


Photos captured simultaneously outdoors on a sunny day. (A) off-the-shelf FLIR Blackfly S
camera and (B) identical camera setup with Edgehog-enhanced sensor coverglass.

Edgehog’s Seeking Manufacturing Partners
Overall, Edgehog’s nanotextured anti-reflection technology represents a revolutionary leap forward for imaging components. OAR enables reliable, high-performance vision capabilities for autonomous systems by stopping flare at the source. We are looking for manufacturing partners to scale up our manufacturing.

To learn more about eliminating lens flare with omnidirectional anti-reflection, download Edgehog’s full white paper today or email us to discover how nanotexturing can enhance image quality and enable the next generation of machine vision.

Download Edgehog’s whitepaper - https://www.edgehogtech.com/machine-vision-whitepaper

Visit Edgehog’s Website - www.edgehogtech.com

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