German President Congratulates Iran For Its Revolution, Even Though It Is A Government That Has Vowed To Destroy Israel And The U.S.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier poses after the recording of the traditional Christmas message at Bellevue Palace in Berlin. (photo credit: REUTERS)

Jerusalem Post: German president lauds Iran on revolution that seeks Israel's destruction

The congratulatory note to a regime that seeks the destruction of the Jewish state and the United States of America has raised eyebrows and unleashed criticism on social media.

The president of Germany Frank Walter-Steinmeier sent a congratulatory telegram to Iran's mullah regime in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in the name of federal republic's citizens.

Germany's largest paper Bild reported on Wednesday "On the 40th anniversary of that day, friendly greetings from Berlin arrived in Tehran by telegram: the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier (63), sends 'Congratulations' on the occasion of the national holiday, 'also in the name of my compatriots."'

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WNU Editor: This is one of those ????? moments. I expect his office will be blaming a minor bureaucrat to be responsible for "accidentally" sending this message in the next day or two.

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