Is Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats The Next Top Official To Be Replaced By President Trump?

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Daniel Coats testifies to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Worldwide Threats on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March 6, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Washington Post: Trump grows frustrated with Coats, leading some to fear he might be fired

President Trump has grown increasingly disenchanted with Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats, who has served as the nation’s top intelligence official for nearly two years, leading some administration officials to worry he will soon be dismissed, according to people familiar with the matter.

The president has never seen Coats as a close or trusted adviser, the people said, but he has become more frustrated with him in recent weeks over public statements that Trump sees as undercutting his policy goals, particularly with respect to reaching a disarmament agreement with North Korea.

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WNU Editor: You serve at the pleasure of the President, and it has been quite clear that President Trump and  Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats are not on the same page.

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