Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Facing The Worst Crisis Of His Government (Commentaries And Analysis)

Paul Wells, Macleans: Justin Trudeau, imposter

Paul Wells: The phoniness of the Prime Minister’s handling of the SNC-Lavalin file is a trait he shows the Canadian people all too often

The story a few Liberals were telling privately, in the early hours after Jody Wilson-Raybould delivered her extraordinary testimony to the Commons justice committee about the endless procession of men who tried to make her cancel a criminal trial for SNC-Lavalin, was that she just didn’t get it.

The former attorney general is a nice enough sort, the story went, but she doesn’t really understand the way the world works. The whole point of amending the Criminal Code to provide for deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) was to make that option—a sort of negotiated fine in lieu of a trial for fraud and bribery—available to SNC-Lavalin. And if the option was available, why not use it? Jobs were at stake. Elections were at stake. Elections, plural, for Pete’s sake. First an election in Quebec last autumn, then a federal election this autumn.

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WNU Editor: The poll numbers say it all. Support for Prime Minister Trudeau and his Liberal government has collapsed .... Most Canadians side with Wilson-Raybould, believe Trudeau has lost moral authority to govern: Ipsos poll (Global News). What's my take. Canadians go to the polls in 7 months. A lot can happen from now till then. But in my opinion the bigger problem for the governing Liberals is not this "corruption scandal", but the economy. If this continues, their chances of being re-elected will be zero .... Canada's Economy Has Stopped Growing, But No One Is Talking About It (March 4, 2019).

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Facing The Worst Crisis Of His Government (Commentaries And Analysis)

Why Jody Wilson-Raybould's reference to her First Nation traditions in SNC-Lavalin testimony has significance -- CBC
Only Justin Trudeau can stop the bleeding -- Toronto Star editorial
The climate goes from bad to worse for Trudeau -- Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
What confidence does Justin Trudeau have left? -- The Globe and Mail
If Jane Philpott doesn't have confidence in Justin Trudeau, why should anyone else? -- Robyn Urback, CBC
Trudeau faces mutiny as Jane Philpott resigns -- Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun
By resigning, Jane Philpott teaches Trudeau what it really means to do politics differently -- John Ivison, National Post
A brutally clear Philpott leaves no room for Liberal spin -- Matt Gurney, National Post
SNC-Lavalin scandal expected to ‘overshadow everything else’ for Grits in coming months; it’s time for a Trudeau ‘mea culpa,’ say Liberal insiders and pollsters -- Peter Mazereeuw and Abbas Rana, The Hill Times
Justin Trudeau has no political playbook to counter this rare implosion -- Susan Delacourt, Toronto Star
Philpott resigns and things get a whole lot worse for Trudeau -- Chantal Hébert, Toronto Star
The SNC-Lavalin affair has shades of Watergate — just like every other scandal -- Stuart Thomson, National Post
From bad to worse for Justin Trudeau as another cabinet minister quits -- Mike Smyth, The Province
Trudeau is facing a political civil war – The Globe and Mail -- Canada News Media
Justin Trudeau Lived by Social Media. Now He’s Dying by It. -- Foreign Policy

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