It Is Now Against The Law In Russia To Criticize The State

© Sputnik / Maksim Blinov

RFE: Russian Duma Passes Bills Banning 'Fake News' And 'Insults'

Russia's State Duma has approved legislation that would block websites that publish what the authorities deem to be "fake news" and penalizing websites that "insult" authorities, state symbols, and what the legislation vaguely describes as Russian "society."

To become law, the bills must still be approved by the parliament's upper chamber, the Federation Council, and signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Critics of the legislation say it would empower state officials to shut down websites that are critical of the Kremlin or other Russian authorities.

In the March 7 vote by the State Duma, 322 lawmakers supported the bill on banning so-called "fake news" and 78 voted against it.

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Update #1: New Russian bill introduces punishment for insulting state (AP)
Update #2: Russian Lower House Outlaws Spreading of Fake News, Insulting of State (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: The problem with this law is that if it is enforced on an individual level, 90% of the country will need to be locked-up (including yours truly). So why pass the law? A lot of Russian political websites are exposing corruption among many of the same law makers who passed this law. They want to shut them down. My prediction .... they will fail.

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