Major U.S. Military Base Handed To The Afghan Army In 2014 Is Now In Total Disrepair

U.S. Army and Army National Guard Soldiers prepare for a flight onboard a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter at Forward Operating Base Dahlke, Afghanistan, May 20, 2016. The 40th Combat Aviation Brigade sent Soldiers, aircraft and equipment to FOB Dahlke in May to support the garrison’s mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Army. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Ian M. Kummer, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs). Unit: 40th Combat Aviation Brigade. 20 May 2016

Stars and Stripes: Welcome to ‘Zombieland’: A former US Army base rots in the hands of overwhelmed Afghans

CAMP MAIWAND, Afghanistan — Limping as he climbed the stairs of a watchtower, the general turned his gaze south toward a once-sprawling base the Americans handed over to Afghan forces here in late 2014. Today much of it lies in ruins.

“Everything went to pieces,” Brig. Gen. Abdul Raziq Safi said of the base, which the Americans dubbed Forward Operating Base Shank. “Everything fell apart.”

After more than 17 years and $80 billion to build them up, Afghan security forces still struggle to secure their country, while corruption and other challenges strain their ability to maintain equipment and facilities provided by foreign forces, largely the United States.

FOB Shank’s fate — left to rot in the hands of overwhelmed Afghans — illustrates those challenges, as the White House reportedly mulls withdrawing thousands more troops, and as diplomats hammer out a peace settlement with the Taliban that could involve pulling out all foreign forces in the coming years.

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WNU Editor: What a complete and utter waste.

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