Paul Bracken, The Hill: Whatever happened to nuclear abolition?
The failed "denuclearization" summit held in Hanoi between the United States and North Korea took place just as a border flare up played out between nuclear-armed Pakistan and India. So it's easy to warn in vivid — and realistic — ways about the danger of nuclear war.
It's easier still to call for an end to the madness of nuclear weapons. This point of view has its merits. It shows that one's heart is in the right place. But let's not overlook how recent efforts to abolish the bomb have hit a complete dead end, as North Korea, Pakistan and India demonstrate.
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WNU Editor: I am old enough to remember when nuclear disarmament demonstrations would easily attract hundreds of thousands of protesters, and it would be covered by the news non-stop. Today .... not even a whimper. The times and culture have certainly changed. When I was growing up nuclear war was easily one of my top 5 concerns and worries. Today's generation .... losing your wallet or not having fast wifi is the worry .... American Millenials Are A Special Breed (March 19, 2019).
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